The Seminar Murders: Reactions and Reviews

The Seminar Murders was published last week on 28th April and I've been very enthused by the reactions of friends and colleagues. One wrote "Lots of convincing characters, absorbing plotting and a true indication of your knowledge of all things criminal! What erudition! What creativity! I’m singularly impressed." which was pleasant. University colleagues have been generally welcoming of the story, but some have been combing the pages looking for references to themselves. Like all fiction, my characters are amalgams not portraits; so they will search in vain. My former colleagues in the police have universally enjoyed The Seminar Murders, they say. "At last, someone who knows what really happens in a police interview!" one wrote. A superintendent said that "The depiction of senior officers was uncannily accurate. One might almost think you had been at some of the meetings I've gone to, taking notes." But a couple of my students took issue with a scene in a lecture theatre: "You swear a lot more than that!" they giggled. "And the students are SO keen!" Well, one must exaggerate sometimes, if only for effect. Please read a copy and tell me what you think too.

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